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Our Trainings

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Healing the Inner Teenager Training – A 10 sessions process with Svarup Disegni

 2024 June 19 - 2025 April 6

The Healing the Inner Teenager – A 10 sessions process is a brand new way of working with the wounds and the immense energetic potential that awakens sex and vision for everyone, during the period of teenage. During this training, you will be guided, and learn to guide others, through a 10 session journey backwards in time, where we will address both, the sexual aspect and the visionary aspect in ourselves.

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International Transessence Technique Training with Tarika Glubin

 2024 July 10  - 2024 October 13

The Transessence Technique helps us to go to an empty space inside. The compassion that radiates from this center (neutral place) makes it possible to bring a new understanding to the different parts of our personality. To look with the pure, clean eyes of our center, is transforming. It becomes easier to experience that we are the Essence beyond personality. ​ This 10 day training will be a combination of experiential participation and supervised practice. The participants will learn how to use the Transessence Technique(TT) both for themselves and with others.


"Embracing Life's Closure: Training on Death and Dying" ​with Aneesha Dillon

 2024 November 6 -  2025 September 7

This training is about making friends with death, choosing to acknowledge death as a natural part of our life journey. In every module we will have many opportunities—exercises, sharings, meditations--to open up to the deep mystery of death, with curiosity, trust, and an open heart. Softening the heart, we can open the door to our humanity through this utterly human experience of death and dying.

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